Welcome to week 3 of the 40 Great Nail Art Ideas Challenge! Theme of this week is Geeks and
the first thing that came to my mind was either superheroes or Star Wars, but I'm not a fan of any of those so it wouldn't be okay with myself if I painted them. After struggling with lack of ideas I decided to go for science geeks, here's the result:
Jest tydzień Geek, więc, oczywiście, nie mogło zabraknąć zdjęcia z padem! I z okularami =)
It's a Geek Week so, obviously, there had to be a photo with a gaming pad! And with glasses =)

Całe zdobienie wykonałam na bazie Temix Peel off od Born Pretty Store.
The whole mani is painted on Temix Peel off base from Born Pretty Store.
nie ma zapachu i nadaje paznokciom piękny połysk:
it has no smell and gives your nails a beautiful shine:
ściąganie jej zniszczyło mi paznokieć (patrz zdjęcia poniżej)! Z obawy o pozostałe paznokcie resztę potraktowałam zmywaczem, ale bazy ciężko było się za jego pomocą pozbyć. Niefajnie.
peeling it off destroyed my nail (see the photo below)! Afraid of my other nails, I used nail polish remover to clean the rest of mani, but it was very hard to remove the base with it. Not cool.
Jeśli chcecie kupić ten produkt albo cokolwiek innego od BPS, pamiętajcie proszę, że jeśli użyjecie kodu QEL91, dostaniecie 10% rabatu.
If you'd like to buy this product or any other nail art supplies from BPS, please remember that you can use the code QEL91 in order to get 10% off.

Loved your elegant take on the theme! These are beautiful!!
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you!
UsuńI love your nerdy nail art!!
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you!