[40 GNAI - Animals] Inspiracja z talerza na dzikiego zwierza

You can find inspiration everywhere. Mine came from a H&M Home plate =)
Inspirację można znaleźć wszędzie. Ja swoją znalazłam na talerzu z H&m Home =)

Both toucan and dots are painted with acrylic paints.
Zarówno tukan, jak i kropki są namalowane farbkami akrylowymi.

8 komentarzy:

  1. What a stylish mani! So perfect for the season. Can't believe it was freehand too!

    1. Thank you! My piano teacher couldn't believe it was freehand either haha :D

  2. wonderful! these nails are my favourite of the date so far! the toucan is just perrrfect, and there's something about the dots, that keeps me looking at them!! :)

  3. Śliczne, takie delikatne i perfekcyjnie namalowane :)
